73rd in Line for the Alt-Apocalypse

    I’d love to tell you all about Black Pill: How I Witnessed the Darkest Corners of the Internet Come to Life, Poison Society, and Capture American Politics by Elle Reeve. I’d love to dazzle you with insights from this groundbreaking piece of investigative journalism, detailing how disaffected young men went from posting memes online to…

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      Russian Scientists Astonished as SpaceX Rocket Explosion Accidentally Punched ‘Non-Chemical’ Hole in Ionosphere, Possibly Temporarily Opening A Portal to Hell and Welcoming Aliens

      Moscow, Russia – In a groundbreaking discovery that will surely send shivers downthe spines of conspiracy theorists and religious leaders alike, a recent study publishedin Geophysical Research Letters revealed that a recent SpaceX rocket launch mayhave temporarily created a large hole in the ionosphere — between 80 and 650kilometers above Earth’s surface where gases have…

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        Scientists Warn of Imminent “Glacier Zombie Apocalypse” as Ancient Viruses Thaw—But at Least It’ll Be Cool AF

        In a stunning turn of events that has scientists everywhereclutching their lab coats in barely contained terror,researchers have just announced that ancient viruses andbacteria trapped in glaciers for thousands of years areabout to make a comeback. Yes, glaciers—thosemajestic, icy wonders we once thought about visiting totake deep, contemplative breaths of crisp mountainair—are now doubling as…

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