Dollar General Warns Poor Customers Might Not Be Able to Afford Their Cheap Crap Anymore

    Shocking revelation rocks the nation!*
    In a groundbreaking announcement that is sure to send
    shivers down the spines of bargain hunters everywhere,
    Dollar General Corporation (NYSE: DG) has issued a dire
    warning for its fiscal 2024 second quarter: their core
    customer base may be running out of money!
    Dollar General revealed a 20.6% drop in operating profit
    and a 20.2% decrease in diluted earnings per share. But
    the real kicker? Their core customers are feeling so
    financially constrained that they’re apparently thinking
    twice before shelling out for a $1.25 pack of generic gum
    or a $3.50 knockoff laundry detergent.
    “While we believe the softer sales trends are partially
    attributable to a core customer who feels financially
    constrained, we know the importance of controlling what
    we can control,” said Todd Vasos, Dollar General’s chief
    executive officer, who was probably wondering how to
    make “financially constrained” sound a bit less like “flat
    Vassos added, “With the evolving retail and consumer
    landscape in mind, we are taking decisive action to further
    enhance our value and convenience offering, as well as
    the in-store experience for our associates and customers.”
    While some might see this as a sign of the times, others
    argue that it’s a wake-up call for America to finally address

    the glaring wealth gap that’s now affecting even the most
    affordable retail chains. After all, when Dollar General is
    forced to admit that the poor can’t even afford cheap stuff,
    it’s clear that something has gone horribly, horribly wrong.
    Original Report:

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