Whether it’s the slow collapse of political norms, pandemics, global warming, or the terrifying reality that TikTok challenges have more influence on the youth than books, we’re subconsciously aware that humanity is on a fast track to “Oops, we broke everything.” So what do we do to cope? Simple: we watch The Walking Dead and pretend it’s just fiction!

    The REAL Reason You Love Zombies? Society is Already Halfway There!

    Think about it—zombies are just a mild exaggeration of what’s already happening. Brain drain? Please! We’ve been experiencing that since social media became more addictive than a bag of Doritos. Ever walked down the street and realized 90% of people look like they’re halfway to becoming the undead—staring blankly at their phones, drooling slightly? Exactly.

    And let’s not forget the political brain drain. Look around! Politicians arguing over whether facts are real, world leaders engaged in Twitter wars while the actual world is on fire—literally. It’s like we’re watching Season 5 of “Zombocalypse Now!” except we’re in it. 

    Breakdown of Political Norms? Zombies Are Practically Running for Office!

    Once upon a time, political norms were like the sturdy fence keeping the zombies out of the town. Did politicians always tell the truth, were newspapers always fair and accurate? Of course not-but at least there was the pretense of reliability. There were journalistic standards meant to at least keep us headed towards getting real information. Now those norms are about as useful as a half-eaten brain. Politicians, once expected to know stuff like “facts” and “ethics,” are now just lurching from one scandal to the next, arms outstretched, groaning, “Fake newwwws… faaaake newwwws…”

    Why Zombies Are the Perfect Metaphor for Our Times

    Zombie shows are so popular because, let’s face it, we’re already halfway there. What’s more terrifying than a zombie gnawing on your brain? How about the entire planet turning into a post-apocalyptic nightmare thanks to global warming? You can see the parallels, can’t you? Forests burning, ice caps melting, and the polar bears are basically zombies now—just swap out their hunger for human brains with the hunger for… well, anything left to eat.

    It’s like the Earth is trying to recreate every dystopian zombie movie plot ever written—only with slightly more hurricanes, diseases, wildfires, droughts, and floods. The only difference is that in the movies, the survivors are running to higher ground. In real life, we’re just building more condos on the beach.

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