BREAKING: New ‘Doomsday Alarm Clock’ Guaranteed to Wake You Up—By Scaring You to Death

    Cupertino, Earth—In a bold move that’s sure to disrupt the sleep industry, a new app called The Doomsday Alarm Clock has hit the Apple App Store (actually, it’s over a year old…but the world has ended yet, so we might as well report on it.)

    Tired of alarms that gently coax you out of bed with soothing sounds? The Doomsday Alarm Clock offers something different: a panic-inducing, heart-pounding wake-up call that outlines, in chilling detail, the many ways the world could end.
    Need to rise at 7:00 a.m.? Prepare to greet the day with a cheerful notification of potential volcanic annihilation due to one of the 20 known super volcanos existing around the world, each capable of creating an extinction level event. If that’s not your style, perhaps choose to hear about killer asteroids, global warming, or that classic threat, all out nuclear war.

    Created by copywriters Steve Nass and Peter Henningsen, the clock is available for free on the Apple App Store (because who can put a price on existential dread?)  The developers invite users to make donations to Earthjustice—a legal nonprofit with nearly 200 attorneys fighting to protect the planet. The organization has won thousands of cases, but let’s be honest—none of that will matter if/when the AI overlords take over.So go ahead—download the app and wake up to your impending doom and/or 9:00 AM appointment.

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